Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cheap Divorce Lawyers - Are Cheap Divorce Lawyers Worth It?

Let's face it. Getting divorced is possibly one of the worst things which can happen to you.

Not only do you have to deal with the stress and heartache of a marriage break up, but then you also have to deal with the practicalities of dealing with your property, money, children and pets. And this means dealing with lawyers and the courts. No wonder divorce ranks as one of the world's leading causes of stress!

And it is probably fair to say that if you get your lawyer wrong, the amount of anxiety you suffer will increase dramatically. It's your lawyer who will be dealing with all your affairs. It is he (or she) who will be negotiating your position and attempting to get you the best settlement and it will be your lawyer who will dictate the pace of your transaction. Slow lawyer...longer divorce!

It is therefore key to get your lawyer right. He must know what he is doing, be quick and most of all be available to you to answer your concerns and issues. The only problem with this is that in life if you want the best then you are going to have to pay for the best. And lawyers are not cheap. In the UK the average charge out rate for a lawyer is a whopping £250 per hour!

It is because of this we have seen in the UK the rise of the online divorce lawyers. They offer a simple service at a fixed fee. These lawyers are cheap but are they any good?

Well first make sure that they are lawyers and listed with the Law Society. Some of these firms are just claims handlers or paralegals!!

Then next make sure you understand what they are offering. Some of these services only offer uncontested divorces. That means all the parties agree the terms of the split.

If you need a contested divorce lawyer then check whether they do this and what their fee will be. Make sure you look out for hidden extras.

One of the better online firms I have seen is http://www.quick-easy-divorce.com. These guys are lawyers and offer both an uncontested and contested service.

They are also cheap divorce lawyers....but very good.

Go to http://www.quick-easy-divorce.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_B_Levy

Divorce With Children

When you have children you nurture and care for them and mold them into upstanding citizens that can go out into the world and make a mark in history. Unfortunately, when they get married you accept their choices even though you may be seeing trouble brewing even before the vows are said. I know that many parents feel this pang but say nothing because you have given your child good standards to live by.

This young man was married, despite all advice from his parents, for quite a few years and had two lovely kids. This was not a marriage made in heaven due to the health problems of the wife, one of them being manic depression. Every morning was a walk on egg shells because anything could set off an explosion of words that would make a sailor blush. The young man worked all the time because this was his way of escaping the turmoil at home. He lost site of the children for a while because his focus was on making his first million. His marriage was doomed but he was from a divorced family and promised himself that no matter how tough life got, he would not get the dreaded DIVORCE.

The more the young man dove into his work the more the marriage seemed to be weakening. His wife would not clean, cook, or wash clothes but the kids were well-disciplined and taken care of as far as love was concerned. The young man felt that this was enough. The house was a disaster but the kids were clean and he had made a home for them. But deep down in his sole,his childhood teachings were eating away at him and each time that his mother would visit, he became painfully aware that this was not a normal way to live.

Soon the young man realized that this life was not quite what it was appearing to be and caught his wife and the boarder on the floor of the living room wrapped in a blanket. His life was about to change.

With the wife's history of manic depression and explosive personality and anger issues, his life became a living hell. Each time she would call about the kids or just call to confront him, she would remind him of what a horrible human being he was and that he lacked the ability of being a father or even a man. Knowing that he worked the night shift, the ex would call at all hours with a complaint or a demand that he get up and take care of something that was in connection with the children. The love he had for his children did not falter and he started to grow into a model father and dad in spite of his ex's accusations. His focus changed from money to being the best father he could be.

He moved three times to make sure that he was close enough to his children to see them every day and pick them up for school and attend all their activities. He changed his hours so he could spend more time with the children. The divorce made him the best father a child could possibly every ask for. Some days this young man would only get a few hours sleep due to the schedule of his kids' school activities and doctor's appointments or picking them up from school when they were sick. The real problem was that the ex did not have a job but expected the young man to do all the transporting of the children. The young man did them without even complaining because that is 'what dad's do.'

No matter what the young man did for the children, the ex continued to downgrade him and expect more and more from him until after years of mistreatment, he turned and faced her with the strength of a dozen men. He had had enough... Even after one confrontation after another, one yelling match after another, she would not let go of her control of the kids. This is what it was all about - she knew that if she controlled the kids she controlled him. After seven years, the control shifted and he refused to take anymore of the abusive language, his life was taking a turn for the better. He had found the woman of his dreams and married her.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jan_Petrey