Thursday, November 29, 2007

Helping Your Child Cope with Divorce

By Jenna Ryan

Children are the innocent victims in any divorce case, therefore it is important to remain civil during divorce proceedings to keep from harming the children. There are a few rules that you can implement between yourself and your divorcing spouse to keep the children as far from pain as possible.

  • Don't drag kids into the fight.

  • Don't talk about issues or fight in front of the children.

  • Don't talk to your children about your problems, they are not adults.

  • Take time to spend time with your children doing happy things.

  • Take time to talk to your child, encouraging open communication about feelings.

  • Allow children time to heal and grieve.

  • Don't pretend everything is hunky dorey either -- this can screw up their perception of reality.

  • Don't use your child as a pawn in your anger.

  • Don't talk bad or disrespect your spouse to your children for ANY REASON!!!

  • Allow your child to be angry, if he or she doesn't share his feelings now, it will come out later.

  • Plan your new life and roles in as much detail as possible, sit down with your child and take time to orient him or her to the new routine and situation.

  • Keep rules the same as they were. Use the "as if" rule, keeping rules the same "as if" you were still married. No special toys, gifts, leniency or favors.

  • If the children are distressed, parents should talk with them and normalize their upset, not let them get away with inappropriate behavior or compensate with inappropriate favors or gifts.

  • Don't try to make up for the divorce by bribing kids with "favors," nothing can make up for losing the marriage of your mom and dad.

  • Maintain loving discipline throughout the divorce process. Discipline is an important way to show love, even though it takes a lot out of you.

  • Don't play the victim in the presence of your children which will make them resent the other parent, whether you're respectful to the other parent or not.

  • If one parent is not taking his or her responsibilities seriously, don't throw in the towel on your parenting duties. One parent is better than none.

  • If your child tries to use this time as an opportunity to complain or manipulate you into granting leniency, stand your ground, even if the other parent caves in--be strong and don't let these tactics work.

  • Kids are notorious for pitting parents against one another, even in families where divorce is not an issue. Don't allow this to happen during the difficult period of divorce.

  • Do not give into your child protesting to get his or her own way. Children protesting do not make them right. As long as you remain firm, they learn that you cannot be swayed and they behave accordingly. Over time, they also learn to respect the parent that offers rules, routines, limits and expectations as this provides for a more stable and predictable environment that encourages healthy development.

  • Major changes in a child's life in terms of lifestyle and parental oversite can trigger a child's fight-or-flight response of anger and fear. A child cannot express these emotions and in turn may internalize the divorce and blame himself or herself.

  • The effects of divorce can last for a lifetime for your child. Make certain that you mitigate the damages by maintaining firm parental control and lots of love.

Jenna Ryan is a Search Engine Optimization and Web Marketing Specialist in Dallas Texas. She assists her clients in marketing websites and generating web traffic. Visit her website at Real Estate Web Site Design and her client's site at Dallas Divorce Attorneys to learn more about Dallas Texas Child Custody matters.

10 Tips for Individuals Considering a Divorce

By Ronald Lieberman

There are few events more emotional than deciding that a divorce is your only option. You need to know what to expect and how to address what will be a life-altering scenario.

I have more than 9 years experience in the family law/matrimonial arena and in those years, I have complied quite a few tips for people considering divorce. But, here at what I consider to be the "Top 10" Tips you should know:

1. Your divorce lawyer is your key source of information...but he/she is not your therapist.

2. Be sure to copy all records and files you see in your home or business. Never assume that a document is unimportant.

3. Never destroy any records and files.

4. Do not involve your children in your dispute with your spouse. Your children will know that mommy and daddy are getting a divorce, so you don't need to involve them. Let your kids be kids.

5. Cooperate and communicate with your lawyer.

6. Do not confuse your attorney's advocacy on your behalf with animosity toward your spouse's attorney. You need your attorney to have good relations with the other side or else you will spend more in legal fees than might otherwise be the case.

7. Your attorney is charging you for his/her time so be sure to group your questions together or call only when necessary.

8. Let your children's schools and day care centers know who is and who is not allowed to pick up the children.

9. Know where your children's passports and other vital records are located.

10. Be sure to ask questions.

Nothing herein is designed to create an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to convey legal advice.

Ronald G. Lieberman practices in Haddonfield, New Jersey, exclusively in the area of matrimonial/family law. He has more than 9 years of experience and litigated all aspects such as custody, child support, alimony, equitable distribution, domestic violence, appeals, hearings, and trials. He can be reached at 856-428-8334.

Financial and Legal Stages of Divorce

By Joqtan Anicama 

Make your financial concerns the centerpiece of your divorce, and work within the framework of the law. That is the most powerful position you can take. If you think financially and act legally, you will be able to anticipate risks and assess your needs, before a financial disaster hits.

No one wants to negotiate for an asset in a divorce and then be unable to sell it because they'd owe too much in taxes. Why should you go through the nightmare of settlement negotiations only to end up losing everything you fought for six months after the divorce is over?

Remember: The legal process of divorce is something you will live through-but the financial reality is what you will have to live with for the rest of your life. In a divorce, it's not what you get that counts-it's what you keep. Here are some examples of legal and financial stages.

Legal Stage
Consult an attorney or do some research at a law library to learn about your legal rights and responsibilities. In particular, investigate how your state's laws regarding separation affect custody, alimony, child support, debts incurred after separation, and increases and decreases in the value of marital assets after separation.

Financial Stage
Gather together your financial papers and make copies of all documents. Investigate the financial impact of separation. Close or freeze access to joint accounts. Open accounts in your own name before filing for divorce.

Legal Stage
Physically separate. For some couples, this means moving apart. For others, it's living in different parts of the house and no longer sleeping together. Additionally, your state law may use its own criteria to define the date of marital separation. Consult with an attorney to determine the rules in your state.

Financial Stage
Keep track of debts incurred before and after separation, joint bills paid, and improvements made to property during separation. Keep receipts for moving and other expenses. Update insurance as necessary. Think about whether you will file taxes jointly or separately

Visit Free Divorce Information for all the information you need on divorce, free.

Joqtan Anicama - EzineArticles Expert Author

Are Women Initiating Divorce?

By James Walsh Platinum Quality Author

In cultures where divorce was long considered taboo (Japan, India, China etc.) the marital laws and the gender bias were stacked heavily against the female of the species. However with the onset of economic progress, the critical factors like compulsory education and growing work opportunities have enabled women to almost attain equality with men in all walks of life and are definitely more organized (far greater extent than before). The power to say 'yes' or 'no' when women mean it, is also legally enforceable in the laws of the respective country. Therefore it is only natural that when the woman is empowered, she has a choice to enter or end a marriage.

It is common knowledge that cultures and countries with a long history definitely enjoyed a very low percentage of cases where women were the initiators of divorce because it was the men who were doing the divorcing and the women were totally at the mercy of the male partner. Society frowned upon the very thought of a woman contemplating divorce and society subjected a divorce seeking wife to inhumane treatment. In some cultures, women did not have the legal right to divorce (Ex: the Shia community in India and the Middle East) because the religious texts were interpreted as forbidding women from divorcing their husbands.

Does this fact - that women are now wanting out from marriages - mean that the majority of men are at their worst intolerant behaviour? Statistics prove that men are more inclined to perpetrate all forms of violence or abuse, not just within their homes but also outside it (drug abuse, infidelity, alcoholism, bloodshed, marital violence etc.). This should be a sure indication as to why the percentage of women opting out of cruel marriages is on the rise.

Again statistics reveal that some of the biggest contributors to increasing divorce rates are - lack of time for each other and unsatisfactory sex. This seems to point to the conclusion that men fail to satisfy their wives emotionally and physically. This theory is backed by the statistics that women are filing for divorce, twice as much as a man does. Thus the degree of happiness (or unhappiness) of the wife (whether real or perceived), tends to play a major role in women wanting divorce.

Consequently, it can also be said that attendant external factors like work pressure, the need to be independent (in maximum areas), achieving financial goals and relaxation of social norms also play a role in women seeking divorce (Men can breathe easy now, since the statistics do not lay the entire fault at your doorstep). Previously the female partner would do her best to try and hold up the fabric of married life against Herculean odds. That was possible because of the fact that women tended to the home while men earned the bread.

But in this modern age of varied human values, she has given up easily because society offers many options, to live the way she desires. Today's society and generation is more tuned into making it big and therefore are passionately indulging in materialism, irrespective of gender. There is no time for anything else, which interferes drastically with that materialism. Partners willingly work hundreds of kilometers apart and are content to have email or phone contact (children are conveniently tucked away, out of sight, at residential schools) while eagerly climbing the corporate ladder. So, can it be said that society is also an important factor for women divorcing their husbands?

Child custody and alimony, intended as a legal saviour for ensuring the survival of defense-less children and dependent wives, is increasingly being used as a tool to ensure that post divorce life is more comfortable for the custodian of the children, rather than the children themselves. The courts are throwing out many cases where it has been discovered that the grounds sought for divorce, by the woman, are purely for material gain or for financing a fresh comfortable marriage with a lover.

Most divorce cases cite 'mental cruelty' as the grounds for seeking divorce. But a closer look at the issue reveals that, invariably it is due to lack of mental or physical closeness and communication (brought on by external modern day pressures) that is the real cause for women pursuing the easy way out of marriage - i.e. divorce. From a dominating role of food gatherer, hunter and protector of the family, the male psyche will need more time to adjust to his new role of an equal partner. The environment of bygone days and the environment of today vastly vary. The new order demands that, the male has to adjust into a new role of sharing in the so-called exclusive domains unfairly reserved for women (cooking, washing, parenting, housekeeping etc.) until now.

This activity of sharing in everything leads to a greater understanding and more time and ideal communication between the partners. Women need to encourage their naturally endowed qualities which contribute to the happiness of any home, because of their greater capacity to give love, caring, forgiveness and to make sacrifices.

A woman should be a homemaker rather than a home-breaker.

James Walsh is a freelance writer and copy editor. If you would like more information on how to get a quickie Divorce see

Free Divorce Information

By Joqtan Anicama Platinum Quality Author

You brown-bag your lunch and take the bus to work so you can make ends meet while the divorce settlement is pending. One day, you receive an unexpected bill in the mail. Your soon-to-be-ex-spouse charged an expensive vacation on your joint credit card, and now you have to pay for it.

No ... divorce is not the best time in the world to deal with money. But it may be the most crucial. In fact, making financial decisions is possibly the most important job you have when a marriage ends. How can you make the right decisions? How can you deal with tedious financial details when you're going through such a stressful event?

Unfortunately, it's hard to find answers to those questions. Legal advice is plentiful, and therapists or support groups can help you through emotional upheavals. But who can show you how to make sense of your financial life? You need help and information to understand various aspects of divorce such as:

• what you own and owe
• how divorce affects you tax-wise
• how best to divide your property, investments, and other assets
• what can happen to your retirement nest egg or your business when you divorce
• what to do about alimony and child support
• how to prepare for negotiating a final settlement, and
• how to gain financial stability in your new life as a single person or single parent.

Each divorce is different, of course, no one can promise to provide complex financial advice for every possible situation you may encounter. But you can find the divorce information you need for the basics of divorce and how to keep yourself financially stable during this process. Our site, Free Divorce Information does just that.

If you need guidance and help on divorce visit Free Divorce Information here you can find articles, information and more help on divorce.

Joqtan Anicama - EzineArticles Expert Author

Why Men Divorce Women?

By James Walsh Platinum Quality Author

Divorce nowadays is becoming very common especially among the Western world. In these countries, according to statistics, every second marriage is today ending up in divorce. Moreover, the surprising fact is that more than 70 percent divorce petitions are actually filed by women. This shows that women feel more dissatisfied in their marriages than men.

Going for divorce can be due to many reasons such as financial problems, infidelity, sexual dissatisfaction, physical and emotional abuse and drug use and alcoholism.

What are Men Looking for in a Marriage?

It has been seen that compared to women, men are generally more satisfied and happier with their marriage. But what kind of a marriage partner are they looking for? Men want someone who is bubbly, has positive attitude for life and can generate a cheerful atmosphere at home.

It is a proven fact that women play a major role in creating a positive and happy ambience in the house. Men like optimistic and not-too-demanding or dominating life partner, somebody who can give them their own space and generally has a positive attitude toward life's challenges.

Men file for divorce when they are stuck with a spouse who is too obsessive and a control freak and who is always complaining about their behaviour in front of others and frequently insulting them.

Nitpicking and Criticism

Men are very irritated by women who are always finding faults in their behaviour. This type of attitude in the long run has a devastating effect on the marriage.

Men generally have a great emotional need to be taken care of by women. They generally reveal their innermost thoughts to them alone, not to their male friends. Men want somebody to take care of them and to love them. If they have a life partner who is full of criticism all the time, then it generally leads to divorce.


Women who are control freaks and who want to dominate others are not liked by men. All men want some personal space for themselves and be their own masters. They do not want to be dominated by their wives and explain to them their every little action and expense.

Generally, they look for women who are gentle, polite and caring and leave them free for pursuing their own interests. Women who understand this need of men and give them enough freedom are successful in making their marriage happy and contented, while relationships where the wife is obsessed with controlling men and children do not usually last long.

Inability to Conceive

Every man wants that he should have his own children to carry forward his name and lineage. The urge to procreate is very strong among men. They therefore want women who are fertile and can give them healthy babies. This desire to have children is one of the major reasons why men want to marry.

Men are looking for life partners who are attractive and give the appearance of robust health, which they take as a sign of high fertility. Fatherhood has its own joys and men do not want to be deprived of the simple pleasures of bringing up their own children and moulding them into successful adults. Infertility among women is thus another important factor which can make men to seek divorce and look for other partners who can procreate and help them in starting a family.

Sexual Coldness

Sex is a basic human want and plays a very important role in a man's life. A good sex life strengthens the relationship between husband and wife and makes their marriage happy. Regular sex helps in making the partners more intimate and caring towards each other.

Sex has many benefits, both physical and psychological. Married people with a good sex life feel better about themselves. If their wife has absolutely no interest is sexually cold toward them, then there is bound to be a problem in marriage. If there is sexual incompatibility and the partners do not feel like having sex with each other regularly, then the relationship often ends in divorce.


There are today many opportunities to have extra-marital affairs due to modern lifestyle. Indeed, infidelity has in recent decades emerged as one of the leading causes of divorce. No man can tolerate his wife having an affair or sexual relations with another man. It is betrayal of trust and destroys the very foundation of marriage. Very few marital relationships are able to withstand an episode of infidelity.

James Walsh is a freelance writer and copy editor. If you would like more information on how to get a quickie Divorce see

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Illinois Divorce - Important Factors You Must Consider!

By Sam Butler Platinum Quality Author

Are you interested in getting an Illinois divorce? But are you sure you know what you are doing? The fact is that each state in the USA has different requirements when it comes to getting a divorce. More precisely, we are talking about the legal reasons for a marriage separation. So, the question is: which are the grounds for an Illinois divorce? Adultery is one of the most common grounds for the Illinois divorce, just like in many other states all over America. However, infidelity needs to be proven in court and this is quite a difficult task, in case there is no evidence to indicate it.

On top of adultery, there are some other highly common reasons for an Illinois divorce. Firstly, there is abandon (of one year or more), mental or physical abuse and irreconcilable differences. The last ground is one of the most popular causes that lead to a faster and simpler divorce. Basically, it refers to a relationship where the partners can no longer communicate peacefully or where one of them or both desire different things.

Drug abuse and alcoholism are serious problems that can definitely affect one's marriage - and, therefore, they are considered viable grounds for an Illinois divorce. It must be mentioned that the spouse who files for divorce must prove that the abuse problem has been going on for at least two years.

A number of sexuality-related problems can be the base for an Illinois divorce, as well. For starters, there is impotence (which must occur at the time of the marriage and must continue at the time of filling for divorce) and infestation with a venereal disease.

Conviction of a felony or a legal crime are other two reasons that can determine one to file for an Illinois divorce. Any divorce lawyer can advice the spouse that desires to end the marriage regarding the procedures and requirements for such a legal separation.

Besides the above, there are some other unusual grounds for an Illinois divorce and the top one on the list should be bigamy. In addition, bigamy can also be a valid reason to get a marriage annulment in this state.

When talking about the Illinois divorce, it must be said that the people who want to get their marriage separation legalized here can opt for a no-fault divorce, as long as they meet the requirements. In order to qualify for this type of divorce, the spouses must have been separated for at least two years before filling for divorce (not necessarily living in different houses, but living separate and apart) and must have tried to save their marriage and failed, as a result of irreconcilable differences.

As you can see, an Illinois divorce can be based on a number of reasons. Which one suits your case best? For sure, unsolvable differences can imply getting a no-fault divorce and can be the easiest way out. However, make sure that you choose the Illinois divorce ground that describes your case best.

Illinois divorce process is specific for this state, and reqquires from both husband and wife to fulfill critical conditions for the effective dissolution of their marriage. Sam Butler's website explains where to begin.

Divorce, Despair, or Depression? How to Control Which It Will Be After Your Divorce

By Alyssa Johnson Platinum Quality Author

Divorce causes so many different emotions that it can seem overwhelming at times. One of the strongest of these emotions is despair. It's easy to understand why despair comes along in the course and aftermath of a divorce. So many things are changing at once that it's difficult to be able to focus on all of them, let alone cope with them. After debris has settled though, holding onto despairing thoughts is more likely to leave you stuck than it is in helping you to pick up the pieces and move forward.

Let's focus on why these thoughts of despair don't help soothe a wounded spirit, but instead cause you to you to use poor judgement at a time when you need to be making a lot of important decisions.

You aren't able to be there emotionally for your children - If you're in the depths of your own sadness over your own losses, that leaves little room for you to help your children adjust to their own sadness over their own losses. Your kids need you. They need to know you will be there to hold them when they cry. Is it ok for you to cry right along with them? Sure it is. But you have to be able to distance yourself from your own thoughts of pain to tune into theirs.

You don't handle your daily responsibilities - When despair lingers, it turns into that nasty little thing called depression. Most depressed people experience such things as sleep problems, irritability and a lack of desire to do anything. All of those create a recipe for disaster with daily living. You may find yourself not paying bills on time, taking off of work to lie around sleeping or crying or just vegging out watching hours and hours of TV. This is a slippery slope that's leads to a pit that's very hard to climb out of.

You can wind up in a really lousy relationship - If the sadness causes you to seek out comfort from any source, you won't be as discerning as you might generally be, leading to a potentially unhealthy relationship. This will cause more headache and problems for you rather than comfort. You are in NO shape to be in another relationship when you're still grieving another one. Not to mention the way your kids will feel about a new "companion" when they are still reeling from the fresh divorce.

Pay attention to these warning signs. Take a good hard look at where you are right now. Is it a good place or are you sliding down? Do you have a right to feel sad and overwhelmed for awhile? Sure you do! It's when it becomes a habit over a period of time and it begins affecting those around you that you need to take steps to move forward.

Helping divorced parents gain the skills to move forward after a divorce is important to us at Remarriage Success. I invite you to see what we can offer you by visiting

Now that you know the warning signs, do you want to know what to do about them? Learn more by downloading this month's chat for free at

Gain the knowledge to keep moving forward from your divorce by accessing our Pre-Marital Article Archive. It was created for people just coming out of a divorce through the time when they are preparing to remarry. Learn more about this archive with more than 20 great articles by visiting

By Alyssa Johnson at Remarriage Success.

Alyssa Johnson - EzineArticles Expert Author

Doctor Ditcher And Lessons Of Asset Protection To Be Learned From The McCartney Divorce

By Jack Henderson

The McCartney divorce has been attracting headlines recently, not only because of the vast sums of money speculated as being the settlement figure, but also because of the strange media antics of Lady McCartney herself. Sir Paul's designer daughter, Stella, was reported as commenting on "Lady Macca's" TV outbursts, "Well it is Halloween when all the wicked witches come out!" Very good Stella, very good!

With such a high profile divorce being so topical I thought I would get a different perspective from a very different type of observer, Doctor Ditcher, the "International Privacy Strategist for men." The secretive strategist for asset protection and wealth protection planning for men going through divorce; he usually moves in very radical and some would say subversive ways. He never names his clients but when pressed he admits to having an average "save" for clients of $15 million a client. His wealth protection advice is clearly very much in demand.

We met up at his home in the Swiss Alps; this was my second time there. His Italian maid brought me coffee laced with Drambuie, a particular favourite of my host. After pleasantries and admiring the view I asked him what he thought of all the news about Heather Mills McCartney and the high profile divorce as well as the reported financial negotiations.

"Well, you wouldn't expect me to express any sympathy for her would you? We've all seen the high profile cases before where men have built up a business, assets wealth and good-standing through hard work, only to lose a massive amount during separation or divorce to someone they once loved and trusted. Heather Mills has just made it into the record books because of the amount she appears to be about to scoop after only four years of marriage and because she has achieved so much as a 'one legged wonder'! Heck, a woman with two legs wouldn't have cost Paul twice as much, would she? As a man involved in asset protection and divorce strategies for men I have a very jaundiced view of her and women like her"

Never politically correct I knew Doctor D' would spare none of his derision for a woman whom I know he feels is simply taking advantage of the pro-feminist injustice he feels currently "infects" the divorce courts (his word) in both Britain and America.

"With a very few exceptions none of the women in these cases would have made a hill of beans unless they had managed to snare a very successful man. Their only claim to fame - or wealth - comes from screwing the poor slob one last time, through the courts! The one lesson you learn by observing these cases is that the women take divorce planning and divorce strategies very seriously, the men usually don't. The men could do with a lot more asset protection planning too; that's my forte!"

"Men seem to think, " I'll get a good divorce lawyer and all will be OK." Bulls**t! A divorce lawyer is like a mortician; he just serves the corrupted flesh in as attractive a way as possible. Men need to actively protect their assets , not just trusting it will all work out. Divorce strategies and wealth protection do not just happen, they need to be planned!"

"If you think the courts or a good divorce lawyer will protect you, or if you think, your wife/girl is different and it won't happen to you, wake up and smell the roses!"

So what should a man in McCartney's shoes have done?

"I have a lot of sympathy for a man like Sir Paul; he didn't want to believe that things would deteriorate the way they did. Also, he probably didn't believe that he would be so badly stung after only four years of marriage. I don't know how many times he and she "did-it" over a four year period, but guess and divide the number into the 50 million everyone seems to be talking about and - well, you get the idea ; a very expensive experience! The thing is, a man must act when things start to go badly wrong. If you wait and let the woman act first you will always be reacting to her legal pressure. If you act first you get ahead of the game. You need to be protecting your assets by pre-divorce planning, just like the women plan their attack on your assets pre-divorce too, and believe me, they do!"

So how does a man act first? "That would be telling! My expertise is very particular and only my clients get to benefit from it, but there are a number of simple strategies for asset protection which you can put in place to control the knowledge your wife /partner gains about your affairs while you are still married to them. Remember in the field of asset and wealth protection knowledge is king. Deprive her of the knowledge and she will always be chasing after you for the information; let her have the knowledge and you will always be racing to catch up with her as she seeks to benefit from her knowledge of your affairs! It is one of the best pieces of wealth protection advice anyone can be given. Asset protection planning MUST start before the divorce starts if it is to be successful!"

Isn't that going to initiate the divorce, asset protection planning while still married will surely prompt the end of the relationship?

"Not at all. There are simple yet subtle steps you can take that she will never find out about, but which will keep your affairs private. It is a very effective divorce strategy for protecting assets."

I had observed in previous discussions with Doctor D' his emphasis on privacy. "Privacy is obviously very important to you as a strategy, Doc'. I note you style yourself an "International Privacy Strategist for Men" Why is privacy so important?"

"Actually I am "The International Privacy Strategist for men" he corrected. "No one else does what I do. Privacy is the foundation of asset protection. If you maintain privacy you can choose what information to reveal and what to withhold. If you do not maintain your privacy, you cannot make that choice because you cannot control the flow of information. Of course there is more to it than that but privacy is the start of all asset protection planning and divorce strategies."

"I teach my clients four Maxims, - rules of behaviour reflecting truths. The first is; Treat confidential matters confidentially. If you don't, then don't be surprised when your wife or partner uses the knowledge gained to her personal advantage."

"What are the other three Maxims?" I ask. "Sorry Jack, only my clients get to hear them!"

I decide to be cheeky and chance my hand for some information normally off limits. "And Sir Paul, does he know the other three maxims?"

The Doc' smiles at me before downing the rest of his coffee. "If he did his asset protection planning and divorce strategy would have been put in place years ago. He isn't acting on my advice or my maxims or she wouldn't be talking about anywhere near 50 million!"

Jack Henderson is a freelance journalist specialising in Finance.

Doctor Ditcher is an International Privacy Strategist for men; he specialises in Asset and Wealth Protection planning and pre-divorce planning and divorce strategies. He describes his key objective as Wealth Protection for the male species. His average "save" per client is $15 million. Himself a top lawyer for 25 years he has now retired to exclusively concentrate on protecting mens assets and wealth through their divorce, using financial privacy and asset protection istrategies including off-shore strategies. or email

How Lawyers Bill Fees in a Florida Divorce

By Vivian Rodriguez

So how come it costs so much to hire a lawyer for your Florida divorce? We all know expert advice is worth paying for. However, how exactly do lawyers bill? Lawyers bill by the time spent working on your case. Specifically, we bill by the hour, or any part of that hour, spent on required tasks to advance your case.

Hours are billed in units of 1/10th of an hour. Six minutes equal 1/10th of an hour, or 0.10. So if you're paying an hourly rate of $250 dollars per hour, any task taking 0.10 of an hour would result in a charge of $25.00 ($250 X 0.10).

Normally, you and your lawyer will sign a retainer agreement which, among other things, provides the hourly rate and the minimum unit of time for any task to be performed in your case. It is common for lawyers bill a minimum of 0.20 of an hour. This means you will pay for 12 minutes (60 minutes X 0.20) for any task, even if the task takes only 9 minutes.

A task or activity in your case can be anything from a telephone conversations with you or anyone else regarding your case; preparing your Florida divorce petition, calculating your child support according to the Florida Child Support Guidelines; dictating a letter, preparing for trial or deposition, etc. In short, anything that will advance your case, in one way or another, to its ultimate conclusion. Notice there is no mention as to result, only to conclusion or resolution of your case-no attorney can guarantee a particular result in any case, regardless of their experience or who they know.

Now that you know how lawyers charge, it is easy to see why a contested divorce can easily cost $10,000 or more. The more you and your spouse fight, the more it will cost both of you.

In an uncontested Florida divorce, the billing and hourly rates are usually the same.

© 2007 Vivian Rodriguez

Vivian Rodriguez has been a practicing attorney in Florida since 1988, and is also a Florida Supreme Court-certified family law mediator.

Or for professional preparation of our uncontested Florida divorce Forms visit

Tel 305-760-4557

Divorce Is A Disease

By Vickie Evans

Radiation cannot circumvent the pain. Chemotherapy cannot erase the trace of it. Like the Aids virus, it has precariously crept into our society without warning and has spread throughout the world in epidemic proportions destroying everything in its path. The hemorrhaging is greater than any bleeding ulcer. This disease is divorce.

Divorce, like any other disease, does not discriminate-it transcends ethnic, racial, age, origin, religious, and socioeconomic lines. "Statistics as of June 1999, reported in National Vital Statistics Reports, June 8, 2000, that there were 8.4 marriages and 4.2 divorces per 1,000 total population. This calculates an approximate 50% divorce rate. Moreover, The Barna Update, December 20, 1999 stated that one-quarter of all Americans have experienced at least one divorce, and that born-again Christians continue to have a higher likelihood of getting divorced than do non-Christians (27% and 24% respectively, a statistically significant difference)."

In corroboration with Barna's findings, I am convinced that divorce is not a social or moral issue but it is a spiritual infestation and infiltration of a diseased demoniac entity bound on destroying the fiber of holy sanctity of matrimony. Although it takes two unified bodies to form the marriage covenant, one self-centered spouse can make the life-altering decision to end it all. This perverted intrusion produces unfulfilled dreams, divided homes, and dysfunctional families that contradict God's intended purpose for the creation of mankind. His vision for creation was for proliferation not segregation. (Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and shall cleave (be joined) to his wife and they shall be one flesh).

Let's discuss one of the primary causes for divorce - infidelity. It is traditionally customary for the cleric to pronounce a mandate at a conclusion of a wedding ceremony, that says "What God has put together, let no man put asunder!" This simply means marriage is for two-not for me you and you! Yet pandemics of infidelity occur on a daily basis, as depicted on television segments such as Divorce Court and Cheaters. Not to mention the limitless boundaries "the cheaters" will cross in order to perform their acts of deceit and deception. A segment on Oprah exposed how a wife's best friend (be careful how you define friendship) engaged in intercourse in the couple's residence, while the wife was upstairs asleep. Which brings me to my point, It is unexplainable to me how a once caring, loving, respectable, honest, Christian (by his own admission) man would willfully commit such a sickening, disgusting, degrading, disrespectful, and unhuman act on his own accord unless he was operating under the influence of some type of supernatural force. Something demonic had to take control of his body, mind, and soul.

Ephesians 6:12 rouse our awareness by stating... "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Rulers imply a multiplicity of forces that has the authority or control, as in this case "rulers of darkness of this world", which equates to demoniac forces. Jesus even had a conversation with a demoniac force that stated his name was "Legion" for there were many -signifying that demons travel in packs. At the origin of this illustration, the man was described as a "lunatick", however, at the conclusion, once Jesus cast out the legion of demons, he was seen as a normal person, performing normal functions. This illustration substantiates my belief that the "abnormal" plague of divorce has taken residence in our nation and has poisoned the principles of what was once considered sacred-marriage.

My images of divorce and infidelity certainly conjure up an illusion of darkness. My second husband became an unknown entity in my life, vexed, possessed--a complete stranger. I share my testimony in the introduction of my book, The Art of Forgiving, revealing how he vehemently evicted my children and me from our house after one year of marriage, as I was recovering from major surgery. This once loving individual who used to romance me and serenade me at my job (even sung to my co-workers a few times), who vowed eternal love to me before God and witnesses in a romantic ceremony on the beach of Ocho Rios, Jamaica, had now transformed to a dark, unrecognizable, stone cold individual.

Naturally, my reaction to his attacks was to retaliate because my flesh was injured. Yes, I tried to self medicate using "off the counter drugs" (heated arguments, begging and pleading, uncontrollable outbreaks of tears) to ward off the enemy's attacks. If I had consulted the spiritual medical journal (The Bible), I would have armed myself with the right weapons (prayer, intercession, fasting, enlisting the help of the saints, spiritual counseling)...."For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh and blood) but they are mighty before God for the overflow and destruction of strongholds. Mighty weapons are necessary to pull down the strongholds of divorce. Tylenol™ may help a common headache but it is powerless against a migraine, you need a more potent prescribed medication. Therefore, we can't fight the spiritual stronghold of divorce with fleshly medication. Even scientists methodology quantifies that two negatives forces produces a negative.

This infectious syndrome of divorce is also producing sickle cells of enraged children who are seeking acceptance and comfort in gangs, drug rings, prostitution, and yes even in homosexuality, looking for love in ALL the wrong places. Why? Because the sanctimonious domicile (home) which should have provided a foundation and example of love, instruction, discipline, exhortation, and security has been contaminated with termites of mistrust, disrespect, humiliation, argumentation, infidelity, lust, aggravation, suspicion, truancy of fatherly headship, and other bacterial infections. Isaiah 1: 5b-6 profoundly sums up my point of view, "...the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. 6) from the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

I deem the representation of a spiritual family model is a healing salve for a child. I wholeheartedly adhere to the guidelines of the family structure as outlined in Ephesians 5, with Christ being the head of the man, and the man being the head of the woman. Therefore, in my analysis, it is so important to have a man as the headship and the CEO (commanding executive officer) of the home. A father's role is to be the decision-maker, the provider, the authoritarian, and disciplinarian. He steers and steadies the course of the ship, and the mother anchors it. The mother is the nurturer, the encourager, the teacher, the caregiver, the heavy load sharer, the wisdom bearer, and the restorer of the breach in the home. All ingredients play a key role in the formation of a healthy child. If any of these ingredients are yanked out of a child's life it creates havoc, especially in boys. It's like baking a cake-if any ingredients (flour, sugar, butter, eggs, milk, baking power) are missing from the cake, it will not bake or rise as intended. Let me interject, I do applaud mothers who have raised successful men on their own, but as I stated in my book, The Art of Forgiving, women are not fully equipped to teach boys to be men, especially since we have never been men. We don't understand their need to fight, hunt, play sports or their male bonding issues; however, another man does. Therefore the absence of a parent creates a chemical and spiritual imbalance that lends to mental and social retardation, and a lack of wholesome (body, soul, and spirit) nourishment. The divine oxygen to the brain cells is cut off and the child connects to life supports (gangs, drug rings, orgies, homosexuality) that can only temporarily prolong live.

Now that I have rendered my diagnosis of the symptoms of divorce, I am sure you are inquisitive of hearing the cure? Well, I will be the first to admit, I do not have an instantaneous "cure all" for this disease. However, I have diligently sought and researched in the journal of medicine, commonly referred to as The Holy Bible to find data that I believe will quarantine this dreadful disease:

1. CALL THE SPECIALIST: A general practitioner is not equipped to deal with such an acute and scrupulous outbreak - you need a Specialist! The best diagnosis is a face-to-face encounter with Jehovah Rophi, the God that healeth. We don't need another 12-step program, or another substance intervention program to declare our weaknesses, ("My name is Vickie, and I am a divorcee!"); what we need is Divine Intervention from the Great Physician. My friend, Mary Hargrove (who has gone one to be with the Lord) used to eloquently sing entitled God Specializes. I can hear her singing now - "God specializes in things that seem incurable, and He can do what know other power, but Holy Ghost power, can do." He is the expert in healing all manner of sickness and disease. The "Specialist" has extensive knowledge of the subject matter. His track record is 100%; he has never lost a patient.

2. FOLLOW THE PRESCRIPTION: - Follow the scriptures - it is the prescription for our healing and deliverance from this dreaded disease. 2 Chronicle 7:14 says, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. God promised us that if we would use this formula, that He will heal our land and restore everything the cankerworms and the locust have eaten, that includes our marriages.

3. DON'T OVERINDULGE - PRACTICE RESTRAINT: Colossians 2:20-23 Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: 21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? 22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. 23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence (New International Version) As a child I was instructed that it was a sin to overeat and when I did I was told that my eyes were too big for my stomach. Well, this case is true when we overindulge in worldly principles. 1 John 2:16 states, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Lust is defined as: 1) "an overwhelming craving or desire" and 2) "unrestrained sexual craving". These three things will surely cause a person to fall into temptation and can produce ungodly results - such as separation and divorce. What's the solution - practice restraint! "Practice makes Perfect!"

4. DEVELOP A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: - Some dieticians and nutritionist believe that the deterioration of our bodies and physical ailments stem from a history of eating the wrong foods. In retrospect, I believe that divorce did not just appear on the scene; it evolved from a history of destructive living principles. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to take preventive measures to "nip in the bud" the spread of divorce in our communities. In other words, if you know certain foods cause hypertension, stop eating them. If you know that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of cancer, stop smoking. If you know that certain characteristics and attributes are destroying your marriage, stop doing those things. Developing a healthy lifestyle involve several factors:

• Changing your eating habits: - Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

• Exercising Daily - Philippians 4:9 Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of [a]untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you (Amplified Bible).

• Self-Control - Bridling the Tongue - Ephesus 4:26-27 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil.

Psalm 39:1 I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me. In the Book of James, the tongue is described as a "deadly poison". Oftentimes we poison each others with destructive words that penetrate the heart and cause a slow and imminent death (which is the definition of divorce). When we learn to treat our spouses in the manner in which we desire to be treated, communication in a marriage can improve. As Hezekiah Walker said in his song, I Need You To Survive, "I won't harm you with words from my mouth, I love you, I need you to survive!"

As I previously stated, I do not pretend to have all the answers to this disease, but in conclusion, I can truly say that my experiences of divorce has given me a totally new respect for those who have successful and long-lasting marriages. You are a true testament to the institute of marriage. The Bible speaks so highly of the institute of marriage; therefore, I am sure it was no coincidence that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding feast and admirably described the church as "His Bride". I long for the day when we will return to our first love - the sacrament of marriage and put an end to the dreaded disease of divorce.

Vickie is a gifted and talented author, playwright, poet, producer, newsletter editor, and musical director. Her artistic career spans over three decades. She started her own a talent production agency entitled Soaring High Production, which assist performing artists, playwrights, poets, and authors to "soar to their destiny" by providing a forum for them to display their talents. She produced her first professional stage play entitled "A Change Is Gonna Come", that depicts domestic violence in the church.

Her first book, "The Art of Forgiving" is an empowerment memoir that discloses how she gained freedom from the ills of divorce by mastering the "art" of forgiving.

Her second book, "Know Thy Worth! (Overcoming the Dragon of Low Self-Esteem)", is scheduled for release in March 2008. This book encourages ladies to find their uniqueness to be released from the need for conformity. "For many years I suffered from a self-imposed identity crisis; trying to please others who were not deserving of my attention!" For more information, visit her website at

Vickie Evans - EzineArticles Expert Author

Understanding A Fault Divorce Settlement

By Jon Arnold Platinum Quality Author

The total number of reasons for a divorce between two people who said "I do" awhile back are too numerous to count. The courts and the state would prefer that they try to work things out, which is one of the reasons that marriage counseling services are made available at minimal cost or even for free in many places. A marriage is also a legal entity, so the courts would prefer that the couple stay married, although it is well known that often this is not possible or desirable.

In the case of a fault divorce, one or both of the partners have done something that is the grounds for requesting the divorce. In other words, it is the "fault" of the other. For whatever reason, things cannot be worked out between the two parties and they have determined that divorce is their best option. This is contrasted with a no-fault divorce, where both couples agree that the marriage is just not working for whatever reason, and both parties agree that a divorce is the right thing to do. In best case, this is also sometimes known as an uncontested divorce.

Since divorce law varies widely from state to state, not all states recognize or allow a fault divorce. Some states also require the couple to participate in multiple sessions of marriage counseling services before they will move forward with the divorce.

There are many things which can contribute to a fault divorce. One of the more common things is the cruelty of one of the partners to the other. This happens when one partners inflicts pain on the other. This is not limited to physical pain or abuse, which is an entirely separate matter since that gets into legal jurisdiction with the police. But it can be unnecessary emotional pain to the other. Constant yelling, name calling, and verbal abuse are all forms of this type of fault.

Another very common reason for a fault divorce is adultery, where one partner has an affair with another person. This situation can get sticky, because if the person being cheated on is aware of it for a time and does nothing about it, then the fault divorce case could contend that the partner actually condoned the affair, so if you are in this particular situation, be aware of the legal arguments that could be brought against your fault divorce claim.

Desertion or abandonment is another reason for fault divorce. This is where one partner just moves out and goes to live elsewhere, perhaps with another person and perhaps on their own. They just do not want to be with their original partner any more. This is certainly grounds for a fault divorce. This is similar to a situation where one partner is put into prison for a number of years.

The reason for proving fault in a divorce is that one partner may end up getting a greater share when assets are divided, but again this varies by state, and proof of the alleged fault will need to be obtained and presented.

For more insights and additional information about Fault Divorce Settlement please visit our web site at

Divorce Legal Separation - What Does It Mean?

By Jon Arnold Platinum Quality Author

When a couple is having some marital problems, many times they will opt for a legal separation. This is much like a divorce and typically requires much of the same process of filing legal paperwork with the court. The filing of these papers will start a legal action.

At the end of the filing process, the couple is legally separated but not yet officially divorced. There is an important distinction to be made here because although they are separated, they are not divorced which means that joint ownership of assets still plays a part in their relationship, as does joint credit cards and things of that nature. In some states, one of the partners going out and dating while they are legally separated could be grounds for a claim of infidelity, since they are not divorced and from a legal perspective, they are still married.

Many states recommend a legal separation as a kind of "trial divorce" when a couple is not getting along well. In some ways, it allows both partners to step back and see what it is like to be without the other. Sometimes this can be very beneficial because it allows each of them to take time to see and try to understand what the other wants, and also allows them time to examine their heart to see if divorce is really what they want.

Sometimes a legal separation is a way for a couple to remain married, at least on paper, but not have to deal with the other person or live with them. While unfortunate, there can be advantages to this for particular couples, such as for the purposes of getting much better rates on car insurance as a married couple, or being able to file tax returns with a married filing status. But this is not recommended as a reason for not proceeding with a divorce.

During the legal separation, one or both of the parties may decide that divorce is the best route to follow and can petition the court to convert the legal separation into a divorce proceeding. In most cases, the other spouse cannot argue against this and must go through with the divorce, and for this very reason, it is critically important that the partner requesting the divorce be crystal clear that that is really what they want, because once the wheels are set in motion, it is very difficult if not impossible to stop them.

For more insights and further information about Legal Separation and Divorce please visit our web site at

The Last Thing You Need Is A Divorce Lawyer!

By Belinda Rachman, Esq Platinum Quality Author

Divorce Mediation Benefits

The divorce process is so complicated most people just don't want to deal with it on their own. Traditionally the process of getting a divorce has involved hiring lawyers, going to court and letting a judge or the lawyers decide and/or negotiate the outcome. The couple plays the most passive role in the legal drama. Because the decisions are coming from above instead of the couple themselves fashioning a result, it is often difficult for the couple to comfortably live with the final outcome.

Most people resent solutions that are imposed on them. It is natural that individuals are more satisfied when they get to decide for themselves instead of being told what to do. When the couple is more actively involved in creating the terms of their own divorce instead of having to put up with the "one size fits all" solution that the legal process gives them, there is a better fit and more of a commitment to make it work.

So here is the most important question, does it make sense to avoid the adversarial system for your divorce? If keeping out of court and saving money on legal fees while protecting your assets and co-parenting relationship sounds good to you, then you really ought to explore mediation. Mediation is not for everyone but it is perfect for couples who are honest and ethical.

What A Mediator Does

The attorney who acts as mediator does not represent either party but acts as a neutral facilitator who is a resource for both. The couple can ask the attorney/mediator legal questions and receive help in arriving at all the terms of their divorce. The mediator drafts the marital settlement agreement, which is the document that is attached to the Judgment. The judge signs the agreement without the couple ever going to court and the divorce becomes final 6 months from the day the initial papers were filed and served. When the mediator has a powerful intention to complete the divorce process instead of dragging it out, the results are miraculous.

How Much Does Mediation Cost?

Mediator fees vary depending on location and expertise so call around to make sure you are fully informed. In my own practice the whole process, on average, takes between 4-7 hours but there is certain homework that must be done prior to working with me. Ask the mediator what percentage of their cases settle and how many meetings did it take. In California the average cost when both sides have their own attorney is $40,000 so whatever the mediator charges will be a tiny fraction of that. The financial benefits of mediation are obvious but more importantly, you will be comfortable enough with your spouse to co-parent your children. This is the best gift you can give to your children. I ought to know, I was one of those kids caught in the middle. This is why I do what I do. Using mediation instead of litigation brings some sanity back into the divorce process because the adversarial system destroys families. So ask yourself, what kind of divorce do you want? Peaceful divorce is an idea whose time has come.

How To Choose A Mediator

So let's assume you want to proceed with mediation. You want to make sure the mediator you use has a great track record. The most important thing you want to know is how many couples have they worked with and what percentage settled. Once you find that out you can compare price, length of time it takes and other factors like personality and sex of the mediator before you make up your mind. The important thing is to have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Remember you only get one chance to have a "good divorce" so don't go down the wrong road because you won't like the destination.

Is Mediation Right For You

Divorce mediation works best with honest people who are not hiding assets and just want a result that is fair. Most couples who are in the initial stages of thinking about getting a divorce would do well to meet with a divorce mediator as opposed to hiring their own attorneys. You only get one chance at getting a divorce without acrimony. Once you start to go down that adversarial road, it is that much harder to get back to a place where you can function comfortably as co-parents.

Ms. Rachman has been a family law attorney since 1996 and is convinced our adversarial legal system destroys families. She left a successful adversarial law practice and now only does divorce mediation. To find out more information on how mediation differs from litigation, go to

Belinda Rachman, Esq - EzineArticles Expert Author