Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life After Divorce - Employment for Independence

By R Walsh

There are many strategies to help you move on, find peace with your new single self, and move beyond the pain of your divorce. If you are considering dating again, that is great. Just because divorce has shaken up your life, remember, you only have one life and you really need to make the most of it. Making the most of employment opportunities is vital to your own happiness and success.

Redefining your career at such a turning point in your life is an extremely proactive way to help you walk the path towards the life you would like to achieve. It may be time for you to re-join the workforce, increase your hours of work, or find a new job altogether. Divorce can play havoc on finances, so having employment you are happy with will be one less stress you need to cope with.

If you are already employed, if you feel up to it, reinvent yourself. Get involved in the areas in which you excel. Accept challenges you may once have shied away from, show your bosses that you mean business and you are worth more than your weight in gold. Stay up to date with any promotions that may become available and learn to trust yourself as a quality employee.

If you have young children, then it may be that you need to work less than you were before divorce. Try not to let this concern you. Embrace your time with your children, they grow all too fast. There are many ways you can work from home to earn some extra income, many of them on the computer, and some amazing resources for information. Don't be scared to follow a dream. Are you good at arts and crafts? Writing? Design? Think outside the square and stay focused, You might be amazed at what can happen.

If you are unemployed or have been out of the workforce and need to re-enter, try not to stress or be overwhelmed. There are plenty of simple easy to follow steps to help you on your way. Make a list of your skills, jobs you have held before and any qualifications you have. Turn these into a resume. If you are not comfortable writing a resume, then have someone do it for you, even if it costs you a few dollars, a professional looking resume is essential. Getting a job is an amazing feeling that can boost your self esteem immensely.

If you are having problems feeling motivated, difficulty keeping a job or finding one, then don't be disheartened. It is the pain of the divorce causing everything to feel more difficult and painful. Look to the future, past all the difficulties, and keep your focus there.

If you are already retired, and have no financial need to seek employment after divorce, then it should not be difficult for you to find positions within the community that would spark your interest. Schools amongst other agencies and companies are often looking for people to teach all sorts of programs and knowledge. Even things as simple as how to be a good housekeeper, caring for children, gardening facts, or if you have business expertise, become a mentor.

The goal is, to find a way to utilize your energy that is both enjoyable and challenging for you. Believe in yourself, boost your self esteem and be proud.

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