Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Illinois Divorce - Important Factors You Must Consider!

By Sam Butler Platinum Quality Author

Are you interested in getting an Illinois divorce? But are you sure you know what you are doing? The fact is that each state in the USA has different requirements when it comes to getting a divorce. More precisely, we are talking about the legal reasons for a marriage separation. So, the question is: which are the grounds for an Illinois divorce? Adultery is one of the most common grounds for the Illinois divorce, just like in many other states all over America. However, infidelity needs to be proven in court and this is quite a difficult task, in case there is no evidence to indicate it.

On top of adultery, there are some other highly common reasons for an Illinois divorce. Firstly, there is abandon (of one year or more), mental or physical abuse and irreconcilable differences. The last ground is one of the most popular causes that lead to a faster and simpler divorce. Basically, it refers to a relationship where the partners can no longer communicate peacefully or where one of them or both desire different things.

Drug abuse and alcoholism are serious problems that can definitely affect one's marriage - and, therefore, they are considered viable grounds for an Illinois divorce. It must be mentioned that the spouse who files for divorce must prove that the abuse problem has been going on for at least two years.

A number of sexuality-related problems can be the base for an Illinois divorce, as well. For starters, there is impotence (which must occur at the time of the marriage and must continue at the time of filling for divorce) and infestation with a venereal disease.

Conviction of a felony or a legal crime are other two reasons that can determine one to file for an Illinois divorce. Any divorce lawyer can advice the spouse that desires to end the marriage regarding the procedures and requirements for such a legal separation.

Besides the above, there are some other unusual grounds for an Illinois divorce and the top one on the list should be bigamy. In addition, bigamy can also be a valid reason to get a marriage annulment in this state.

When talking about the Illinois divorce, it must be said that the people who want to get their marriage separation legalized here can opt for a no-fault divorce, as long as they meet the requirements. In order to qualify for this type of divorce, the spouses must have been separated for at least two years before filling for divorce (not necessarily living in different houses, but living separate and apart) and must have tried to save their marriage and failed, as a result of irreconcilable differences.

As you can see, an Illinois divorce can be based on a number of reasons. Which one suits your case best? For sure, unsolvable differences can imply getting a no-fault divorce and can be the easiest way out. However, make sure that you choose the Illinois divorce ground that describes your case best.

Illinois divorce process is specific for this state, and reqquires from both husband and wife to fulfill critical conditions for the effective dissolution of their marriage. Sam Butler's website Divorce-Assist.com explains where to begin.

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