Saturday, January 12, 2008

Divorced Dad Tips - Finding A Great Lawyer

By Danny Guspie

DISCLAIMER: The following is NOT legal advice, nor is it a substitute for legal advice. If you are in Family Court you will need legal advice, so please see a lawyer.

Finding a great lawyer when you are a divorced dad can be challenging. Here are some helpful insights:

Any dad looking to gain or expand visitation or custody rights must do some research to find a lawyer that has a track record in Family Court. Not every lawyer has the knowledge or experience needed to help you. There are specific steps you can take to find the best lawyer for you.

First, check the lawyers track record. He should be able to show you final orders from a court in previous cases that show what the lawyer has achieved. Whatever the particulars of your case, you need to see your lawyer's track record, to see if the lawyer is capable of obtaining the results you are seeking.

If the lawyer you are interviewing refuses to show you orders, you should tell him that you understand the purpose of a lawyer is to go to court and prove a point. A large part of proving a point hinges on being to present evidence.

Many lawyers will get flustered at this point. But you asking them for proof of their assertion that they have the experience to help you achieve the results you are seeking should not be difficult.

You can add, "I don't need to see the names of your former clients. But I do need to see that you represented other fathers and assisted them in obtaining a favorable court order in this type of case."It's not an unreasonable request - after all you'll be paying thousands of dollars.

Another thing to consider when looking at the orders the lawyer has obtained is whether they were reached by consent. If an order is on consent, the case was easier than if it was argued before a judge. If the ruling was reached by arguing the merits of the case before a judge, then the lawyer actually had to "duke it out".

One last thing: If he refuses to show you court orders, move on. Picking the right lawyer can save you lots of time and money. It can mean the difference between winning and losing.

Divorced dads looking to get a joint custody arrangement or even sole custody cannot just walk into court and expect a favorable outcome. The court system can be a treacherous arena.

It can sometimes feel similar to stepping back to the Roman times when they used to throw people in with the lions. Finding a great lawyer requires the right set of skills.

You can win in Family Court if you adopt strategies and tactics of successful divorced dads, most importantly waging peace on behalf of your children, instead of waging war.

Finding a lawyer who understands this and who can show you they've been successful in Family Court takes time, patience and effort.

But the results are well worth it: Peace for you and your children. During my divorce, I wished for a divorce road map. That's why we created a weekly telewebcast, to help men like yourself.

If you've lost in Family Court, don't give up. There is always hope. You've likely lost because you didn't understand that winning means learning how to effectively "wage peace" in Family Court.

It's definitely tougher to improve and win when you're a dad in Family Court. Base your game plan and strategies upon those of the many successful fathers. You will improve your chances of success immeasurably. Get help from dads who have done what you are doing.

Danny Guspie - Executive Director of Fathers Resources International can help you learn the successful strategies of fathers who have won in Family Court. Join us on our weekly calls at where we will share with you what works for successful divorced dads.

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